Careers Programme
Our Careers and Employability Programme is based on a framework of ‘learning outcomes’ provided by the Career Development Institute (the career development professional body) and underpinned by the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
The programme builds progressively and aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge they require to be able to make an informed choice about their future options. Our careers provision offers tailored support for all our students, meaning that every student, including SEN students’ individual needs are met.
We measure and assess our careers programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks. The programme is delivered in conjunction with the school's Equal Opportunities Policy, Work Experience Policy, External Visits Policy and other relevant policies.
Impact is measured via a number of different ways:
- Through student, parent, teacher and employer feedback after each activity.
- Via student surveys carried out at the end of each year.
- Through the analysis of the destinations of our Year 11 and 13 students taking into account their prior attainment.
Our current careers programme can be viewed below together with the career route map setting out what careers learning students can expect to receive whilst at St Peter’s.