Physical Education
Mrs L Stoker-Boon
Head of Physical Education
The Team
Miss D Palmer | Deputy Head of Physical Education |
Miss E Hardy | Teacher of Physical Education |
Mr M Price | Teacher of Physical Education |
Mr J Richards | Teacher of Physical Education |
Introduction to the Department
Our vision in PE is ‘sport for all for life’. We aim for students to have positive experiences in PE and school sport alongside understanding the benefits of leading a healthy balanced lifestyle in school life and beyond. We deliver a broad, balanced, and high-quality curriculum that is ambitious and aims to meet the needs of all our students.
We aim to develop character, resilience, and self-discipline in lessons, whilst developing a sense of fairness and respect by being Christ to all. We encourage all our pupils to perform to their best, enabling them to reach their full potential whilst developing confidence, competence, and a love for physical activity.
Our extra-curricular programme is inclusive with the focus on sport for all above fixtures for few. We offer a range of lunch time and afterschool activities to inspire students to continue to be active and passionate about participating.
Key Stage 3 Information
Lessons are taught & sequenced to develop students’ knowledge & skills using a mastery approach. Experiencing eight lessons for each activity area allows time to build knowledge, competence & confidence. Our curriculum is designed to enhance student’s physical, emotional, and social health through a variety of subject areas, highlighting transferrable skills. Our assessment framework of HEAD, HEART and HANDS is accessible for all and allows students to monitor personal progress. This key stage also aims to lay the foundations for those wishing to study accredited PE options. This creates an infusion of practical with key theory elements integrated within the learning environment.
Year 7 – Fundamental Movement Skills
In Year 7, fundamental movement skills learned from primary school are revisited and built upon, aiding a smooth transition for all students. Students learn about the importance of PE and sport for their physical, emotional, and social well-being as well as how to carry out effective warm-ups and cool downs for each activity they do, allowing them to take the first steps towards independence and safety in PE. The Fit for Life topic focuses on the components of fitness and student’s ability to transfer this knowledge across all sports covered in year 7.
Activities covered by all in year 7 include: fundamental movement skills; fit for life 1; netball; dance; football; net & wall basics; touch rugby; athletics; striking & fielding & basics of orienteering.
Year 8 – Fundamental Sport Skills
In Year 8 fundamental sports skills learned from year 7 are progressed, enabling students the ability to transfer skills across all activity areas. Students learn the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic feedback supported by use of peer- and self-assessment to critique performance. The Fit for Life focus involves knowing and exploring different types of training and the relevant links to components of fitness acquired in year 7.
Activities covered by all in year 8 include: fundamental sports skills; fit for life 2; basketball; floor gymnastics; rugby; badminton; football; athletics; striking & fielding & various interhouse competitions and an outdoor adventurous activity trip.
Year 9 – Leadership and Performance
In Year 9, students continue to build on and transfer skills learned in previous years across each activity area. Students are given the opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills, first in a solo module and later integrated into other sporting areas. They explore how to plan and lead group sessions utilising and developing individual characteristics. The Fit for Life focus is planning and carrying out a safe and effective training programmes for specific performers, that adheres to the principles of training. This unit feeds into the GCSE syllabus to create a cohesive learning journey for those who decide to study PE further.
Activities covered by all in year 9 include: leadership; fit for life 3; handball; alternative sports; flight gymnastics; volleyball; orienteering; athletics; striking & fielding and a various interhouse competitions.
Key Stage 4 Information
In Year 10 and 11 lessons are designed to engage and promote participation contributing to living a healthy lifestyle. Students build upon their techniques and transferable skills developed in key stage three and apply into a variety of new activities. Students continue to develop physically, emotionally, and socially through a varied, challenging, and structured curriculum. We offer ample opportunity to further develop leadership through roles such as coaching, managing and officiating which promotes key skills required for future study and career opportunities. Their Physical Training focus is examines training zones and exercising safely using their own body weight as well as free weights, using correct technique. This supports those who wish to take their training and fitness further, encouraging lifelong participation.
Activities covered by all in year 10 and 11 include: physical conditioning; mixed interhouse; choice of invasion games; net & wall games; trampolining; athletics & striking & fielding & a variety of alternative sports.
GCSE Physical Education
Studying GCSE PE will open students’ eyes to the captivating world of sports performance. The combination of the physical performance and academic challenge provides an exciting opportunity for students. The content has been designed to allow students to study Physical Education in an theoretical setting. This allows them to critically analyse and evaluate physical performance and apply experience of practical activities in developing knowledge and understanding of the subject and the science behind it.
This course will prepare students for the further study of Physical Education as well as other related subject areas such as Psychology, Sociology and Biology. Students will develop the transferable skills that are in demand by further education, higher education and employers in all sectors of industry.
This course will create confident, independent thinkers and effective decision makers who can operate effectively as individuals and as part of a team, all skills that will enable individuals to stand out and effectively promote themselves as they progress through life.
Students will be studying the Edexcel Syllabus.
Year 10
Topic 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology
Topic 2: Movement Analysis
Topic 3: Physical Training
Topic 4: NEA – Practical Performance and Personal Exercise Programme
Year 11
Topic 1: Sport Psychology
Topic 2: Health, Fitness and Well-Being
Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences
Topic 4: NEA – Practical Performance
60% of the course is assessed theoretically in two exams.
30% of the course is practically assessed examining the student’s ability to perform in three practical activities.
10% of the course is planning, carrying out, analysing, and evaluating a Personal Exercise Programme.