Exceptional A Level and AS Level Results at St Peter's
As ever we are immensely proud of our students and their summer results have exemplified the hard work that our students and teachers have put in. We are particularly pleased that the cohort have improved immensely on last year, achieving over 65% A*-B in their A levels or equivalents, over 38% achieved an A or A*.
A special mention goes to 23 of our students who achieved at least straight A’s in their final results; 23 of whom achieved A*s, that is one in five of our students: Carlos Alvares Arce, Leone-May Ayres, Max Bewsey, Georgina Bonney, Lucy Bromley, Lucy Clark, Alice Corning, Oliver Dudley, Georgina Ewer, Eleanor Frame, James Gavin (4A*s), Nathan Grima, Molly Houston, Finola Mankel, James Marsden, Ben Parslow, James Pugh, Harry Richards, Sam Richardson, Safan Saijeeswaran, Luidas Semeta, Scot Van Breda (3A*s) and Declan Woodhouse. This has meant that we have had over 95% of our students going to the university of their choice and most of these are going to Russell Group institutions.