School Uniform
All our students are required to wear school uniform, as we believe it gives our students a strong sense of both belonging and of identity. All students must wear the correct uniform in school and at school events or activities. They must also wear the uniform on the way to and from school.
The current list of uniform can be found below.
PE kit
Please note that our PE kit changed two years ago and is reflected in the updated uniform list. All Year 7 students are expected to purchase the new kit, however, all other years (current Years 9 to 11) are not obliged to purchase the new kit.
Our school uniform supplier is:
Stevensons, 210 London Road, Burpham, Guildford, GU4 7JS
Contact details:
Telephone: 01483 577835
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 5.30pm
Lost Property:
All possessions and uniform should be clearly named.
All named uniform items that have been found will be handed into School Reception for safe storage. Please collect as soon as possible. All sports kit will be returned to the changing rooms for collection.