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St Peter's
Catholic School

Waiting Lists

If the school is oversubscribed, parents/carers of children who have not been offered a place at St Peter’s may ask for their child’s name to be placed on the waiting list. The waiting list will be operated using the same admissions criteria listed. Placing a child’s name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available. This does not prevent parents/carers from exercising their right to appeal against the decision not to offer a place.

Year 7 waiting list

If your child is currently in Year 6 and was not offered a Year 7 September place at St Peter's (based upon your original set of school preferences), your child will automatically be placed on our waiting list by Surrey County Council.  

We will not give out any waiting list information over the telephone or via email until after the deadline of acceptances has passed. A letter will be sent out with regards to St Peter's waiting list at the end of March with your ranked waiting list position.

If your child has been allocated another school of a higher preference than St. Peter's and you would like your application to be reinstated on our waiting lists, you will need to contact Surrey County Council direct at the address below and make your request in writing.

If you have any queries, please telephone Surrey County Council Admissions Department 0300 200 1004 or email our  Admissions Department

The waiting list will be ranked in line with the oversubscription criteria each time a child is added to the list. All children on the waiting list will be dealt with equally according to the criteria regardless of the period of time the child has been on the waiting list.

In the event that an applicant is offered a place from the waiting list, an official offer letter will be sent from the LA which must be accepted or declined in writing within the set parameter stated on the letter. If a place is offered and declined the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

The waiting list for Year 7 will be maintained until the end of the academic year for which entry has been sought. Parents/carers who wish their child’s name to remain on a waiting list beyond this time are requested to contact the school in writing by the end of the academic year. 

Waiting list for all other years

Please refer to the 'applying for in year place' section and complete the school's Supplementary Information Form in order to be added to the waiting list. 

The names of the children in the other year groups (8-11) who have not been offered a place due to oversubscription will be put on a waiting list.  The list will be in the descending hierarchical order of the categories in the admissions criteria.  The list will continue for the year group until the end of the academic year.

Parents/carers who wish their child’s name to remain on a waiting list beyond this time are requested to contact the school in writing by the end of July 2024.  If a place is offered and declined the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

It should be noted that no matter how long a child’s name has been on the waiting list, his or her position on the list may change if the school adds a child’s name to the list, which has a higher priority according to the oversubscription criteria. The school is also under a duty to admit children who are presented for admission under the Local Authority’s ‘Fair Access Protocol’. These children must take precedence over any children already on the waiting list.